August 27, 2012

Interacting is mentally draining!

I think what neurotypical people (especially teachers and parents) need to realize is that part of the main reason why children (and adults) on the spectrum have difficulty relating is the neurological differences. Our brains have strong neurological connections between the different brain centers that allow the different centers to simultaneously communicate wi
th one another. This is what allows us to process multiple information simultaneously, most of which is at a subconscious level, requiring minimal mental energy (not aware of it). On the other hand, for people on the spectrum, the neurological pathways between the brain centers are not well developed, making it harder for the centers to communicate with each other. This makes it difficult to process multiple information simultaneously. Whereas we rapidly process multiple this information, at a subconscious (intuitive) level, people on the spectrum have to process "sequentially", a little at a time, at a conscious level. They have to think through what we do intuitively without thinking. Now, they can eventually arrive at the same understanding, but it is going to take longer (delayed processing) and require a lot more mental energy (since they have to consciously process it).

This drastically effects interacting with others (relating). When we interact with someone we have to “rapidly process multiple information simultaneously.” When listening to the other person we are processing the words they are saying, the context they are being spoken in, the tone and inflection in voice, facial expressions, physical gestures, and body language to understand what the person said, and to understand their thoughts, feelings, and intentions. At the same time that we are processing what the other person is saying, we are formulating how we think and feel about it, plus how we are going to respond back. At the same time that we are responding back we have to read the nonverbal cues of the other person to see if they are understanding us and are staying interested. Now, in order for us to focus on the topic of conversation, we have to process most of this "nonverbal information (facial expressions, body gestures, fluctuation in voice, etc)" subconsciously, with minimal mental energy. This allows us to relate with others without much effort. However, for people on the spectrum, they have to try and process bits of this information sequentially, at a conscious level, thinking it all through. Since they cannot process this information simultaneously, the processing is delayed, and only a little bit can get processed, making it difficult to get the "big picture." To try and keep up with the conversation, they can only process "bits of information" at a time, often missing much of the meaning. Sometimes by time the person has processed what was said, and formulated a response to it, the interaction has moved on to different content. Consequently, between not getting all the information, plus delayed in processing it, their responses are often out-of-sync with others. For the person on the spectrum, this can be very mentally and emotionally draining. This inability to process multiple information simultaneously is a major reason for many of the social struggles for people on the spectrum.

For children on the spectrum, it is even more difficult. They can be very bright, but still have this processing problem. This is hard for people to understand. They assume that since the child is very verbal and bright, that they must "intentionally choose" to misinterpret instructions, and act differently than others. For the more verbal individuals disability is more hidden, masking their difficulties. That's why awareness training for significant people in the child's life can be important.

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